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Westminster College to Present One Act Festival April 13

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Posted on Monday, April 9, 2007

The Westminster College theatre honorary, Alpha Psi Omega, presents its 10th annual "One Act Festival" Friday, April 13, at 9 p.m. and midnight in the Berlin Lounge of the McKelvey Campus Center.

"The plays are directed by members of Alpha Psi Omega and the parts are played by about 20 students who auditioned in January," said Tracy Harmon, president of Alpha Psi Omega and a senior elementary education and theatre major from Pittsburgh. "The performances should be appreciated by most members of the family, though there is some language not appropriate for small children, especially in the midnight show."

Scenes from nine plays are featured this year including: "Night Terrors" written by Bob Allen, a 2005 Westminster graduate currently living in Brooklyn, N.Y.; "Broken" written by Barry Unis, a junior psychology major from Aliquippa; "Next!"; "The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World;" "Arabian Nights;" "The League of Semi-Superheroes;" "Miss You;" and "Apathetic Robbery."

The event is free and open to the public. Contact Harmon at for more information.