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"Get Real" Life Preparation Series Continues

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Posted on Monday, April 16, 2007

Westminster College continues the "Get Real" life preparation series with "Wheels & Deals" Thursday, April 19, at 12:35 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Club Room.

A representative from Phil Fitts Ford will speak with Westminster students about the art of buying or leasing a first car.

The "Get Real" life preparation series was developed to acquaint students with information about life after college. It provides advice about financial planning, banking, purchases, medical care issues and options, consumer and personal legal matters, comparative shopping, understanding labels, reading maps, apartment and house hunting tips, outdoor activities, and how to avoid finding Mr./Ms. Wrong.

"Our goal is to open students' eyes about what to expect after graduation, the nuances of life that are not typically covered in the formal classroom," said Dr. Neal Edman, dean of student affairs at Westminster College.

The seminars are free and open to all Westminster students, but are geared toward upperclassmen. Contact the Office of Student Affairs at (724) 946-7110 for more information on the "Get Real" program.