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Westminster College Hosting Cold War Speaker

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Posted on Monday, April 23, 2007

Dr. Charles Skinner, who recently retired from the State Department after 27 years as a foreign service officer, will speak at Westminster College Thursday, April 26, at 4 p.m. in room 131 of Patterson Hall.

Skinner will speak about "When the Wall Fell: An Insider's View of the End of the Cold War and Changing Transatlantic Relations."

"Dr. Skinner brings a unique background and extensive experience in United States-European relations to bear in this talk," said Dr. Edward Cohen, chair of the Westminster College Department of Political Science and Sociology. "His talk will interest anyone curious about how the Cold War ended and the future directions of world politics."

During his career, Skinner was the Berlin Desk Officer at the U.S. State Department when the Wall came down in 1989; was the first U.S. diplomat to work in a foreign government when he spent a year in the German Foreign Office in 1991; was part of the NATO office in the U.S. State Department from 1999-2002; and was political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in London from 2002-2006.

Contact Cohen at (724) 946-7304 or e-mail for more information.