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Preschool to Celebrate the "Week of the Young Child"

Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Westminster College Preschool will celebrate the
"Week of the Young Child," April 23-27, with speakers, readers, educators, and parties.

"Early childhood experiences lay the foundation for later learning and help children succeed in school and into adulthood," said Diana Reed, teacher at Westminster's preschool. "Quality early childhood programs prepare children to take full advantage of their educational opportunities and become effective citizens, capable workers, and loving parents of the next generation."

The Westminster College Preschool Lab was accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children in 2001, an organization that sponsors the Week of the Young Child to focus public attention on the rights and needs of young children. The week honors the more than 35 million children from birth through age eight in America, as well as the families, teachers, and other adults who help children make the most of their early opportunities.

The Westminster College Preschool Lab will celebrate the Week of the Young Child with the following activities: parent night at McKinley's Equestrian Farm; guest readers Westminster College President R. Thomas Williamson, Assistant Professor of Education Dr. Amy Camardese, and New Castle Public Library librarian Kathleen Lebby; displaying children's artwork in the New Wilmington post office and borough building; and a field trip to the Wilmington Area kindergarten program.

Located in the Hoyt Science Resources Center, the Westminster College Preschool Lab is a multi-purpose facility that serves both the college and the community. Designed by early childhood experts, the laboratory school is committed to providing an excellent learning experience for the area's children. The program is enhanced by the use of an innovative curriculum, well-trained staff, developmentally appropriate equipment and individual attention.

Contact Reed at (724) 946-7174 or e-mail for more information.