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Peace Studies Director Attends Summit

Posted on Friday, April 27, 2007

Dr. Sherri Pataki, Westminster College peace studies director, recently attended the Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education: International Innovations and Challenges in Cleveland.

This summit, hosted by the Global Resource Center's Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College, brought together educators, policymakers, and researchers from across the United States and from 15 other countries to advance work in the fields of conflict resolution and peace education.

"This was an exciting opportunity for me to hear about peace studies curriculum," says Pataki, "I learned about programs at other colleges and universities and considered new ideas for our Peace Studies program at Westminster."

Pataki added, "I also had the opportunity to hear about the humanitarian work of individuals who have been directly involved in meeting the needs of families and children caught in extreme conflict or poverty throughout the world, including Afghanistan, Columbia, Israel, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone."

Pataki, who has been with Westminster College since 2004, earned her undergraduate degree from Allegheny College and her Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University.

Contact Pataki at (724) 946- 7361 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Sherri Pataki