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Student Judged First in Poster Presentation

Posted on Monday, April 30, 2007

Colin Campbell, a senior physics major from Poland, Ohio, recently took top honors for his poster presentation at the joint meeting of Zone 7 of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) and the Western Pennsylvania Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT).

Campbell presented a poster titled, "The Depinning Transition of Periodically Oscillated Sessile Drops." His research was done with advisor Dr. Craig Caylor, assistant professor of physics at Westminster College. Physicists at the meeting judged the student posters and Campbell won first place.

While at the meeting, Campbell and William Giles, a senior physics major from Erie, gave a presentation titled "Movie Physics" about the activities of the Westminster SPS chapter. Also attending the meeting was Christopher Passione, a sophomore 3-2 enginering major from Valencia.

Valencia, PA
Christopher Passione
is a son of Jimmy and Laurie Passione and a graduate of Mars Area High School.

Erie, PA
William Giles
is a son of Terry and Cheryl Giles and a graduate of Fort Le Boeuf High School.

Poland, OH
Colin Campbell
is a son of Tom and Rose Campbell and a graduate of Canfield High School.

Contact Caylor at (724) 946-7202 or e-mail for more information.

Colin Campbell and Winning Poster