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Westminster College Hosts High School Programming Contest

Posted on Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Westminster College hosted 10 teams from five area high schools at this year's High School Programming Contest Oct. 9. The event was hosted by Westminster's Mathematics and Computer Science Department in conjunction with the Admissions Office.

Teams of two to four high school students each worked for over two hours on six computer programming problems. Students submitted solutions and received feedback from the judges electronically, while an electronic score sheet displayed updated results throughout the contest.

Scoring for each problem is based on the time since the beginning of the contest, as well as the number of incorrect submissions.

Participating high schools were Blackhawk High School with coach Nancy Mahosky; Greenville High School with coach Walt Hoffman; Butler High School with coach Nicole Hilderbrand; Seneca Valley High School with coach Laura Lunz; and Wilmington Area High School with coach Mary Beth Acker.

Team XKill from Seneca Valley took first place; Team Molto Bene from Blackhawk took second place; and Team QUOWDUPSOESA from Wilmington Area took third place.

Dr. John Bonomo, Westminster associate professor of computer science, designed and supervised the contest. He recently served as a judge for the International Programming Contest in Tokyo, his sixth time as an international judge.

Westminster students who assisted Bonomo are:

James Bryan, a junior mathematics major, is a son of Leigh Bryan-Taylor of Greensburg and James Bryan, also of Greensburg. He is a graduate of Greater Latrobe High School.

Andrew Slane, a junior computer science major, is a son of Michael Slane of New Wilmington and a graduate of Logan High School.

Stephen Wheeler, a junior mathematics and music major, is a son of Frank and Terry Wheeler of Crescent Township and a graduate of Moon Area High School.

Contact Bonomo at (724) 946-7287 or e-mail for additional information. 

Stephen Wheeler, James Bryan, Dr. John Bonomo, Andrew Slane
First place: John Kurlak, Logan Serman, coach Laura Lunz, Adam Bartos, Doug Raffle
Second place: Anthony Pulleo, Ben Rakestraw, coach Nancy Mahosky, Adam Mihalcin
Third place: Brandon Packard, coach Mary Beth Acker, Bjorn Wastvedt