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Mock Convention Schedule

Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007

Westminster College's 18th Mock Convention will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 7 and 8.

The quadrennial event will kick off Wednesday at 7 p.m. when the convention is called to order in Orr Auditorium. Westminster President R. Thomas Williamson will provide a welcoming address, and the Westminster Brass Ensemble will present a medley of patriotic songs.

Executive chair of the convention Steven Ruperto, a senior economics and political science major from Moon Township, will introduce the keynote speaker.

Thursday's activities begin at 3 p.m. in the Intramural Gym of Memorial Field House. Opening ceremonies will be followed by a debate on platform issues. After a recess, convention entertainment is scheduled, followed by the parade of delegates at 7:30 p.m.

Welcoming remarks for the evening session will be delivered by Charles Mansell, a 1968 Westminster graduate and son of Thomas Mansell, a 1929 graduate who founded Westminster's Mock Convention.

Presidential nominating speeches, demonstrations, and the nomination of presidential and vice presidential candidates are the highlights of the event. The evening will conclude with awards presentations.

Contact Dr. James Rhoads, Westminster associate professor of political science and faculty adviser to the convention, at (724) 946-7255 or e-mail for additional information. Visit for more information about Westminster's Mock Convention and a complete schedule of events. 

Information and schedule