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Mock Convention to be Televised Live on the Internet

Posted on Friday, November 2, 2007

Westminster College's 18th Mock Convention will make history Thursday, Nov. 8, starting at 7 p.m. with live television coverage streaming on the Internet.

The convention opens on Wednesday at 7 p.m. with nationally syndicated radio talk show host Bill Press delivering the keynote address in Orr Auditorium.

WCN, Westminster's television station, has televised the quadrennial event live since 1988. Prior to that time, it was covered live on radio. However, this is the first time for the Mock Convention to "go global."

Clarissa Hunter, a senior broadcast communications major from Saegertown and producer/director of WCN's Mock Convention coverage, said, "I'm excited about our broadcast going live to an Internet audience. They're expecting us on cable television in New Wilmington and in Lawrence County, but streaming live is another example of how we're taking steps to move the profession toward new technology and changing media. It's also a step for Westminster to move into the future by taking this great tradition out onto the World Wide Web."
Steve Ruperto, a senior economics major from Moon Township and executive chair of the Mock Convention, is elated: "We're very excited about having another first' for the Mock Convention. We'll make history with another defining moment for this Westminster legacy."

WCN will air live coverage on New Wilmington Cable 9 and on Comcast channel 10 in Lawrence County Thursday from 7-11 p.m. with a link from Westminster's homepage,

Videos posted online by broadcast communications students can be accessed at

This year's coverage will be in a flashback format with images of previous conventions taken from the Argo, the College yearbook, and video of past events.

Highlights include interviews featuring:

" The late Thomas V. Mansell, a 1929 Westminster graduate and founder of Westminster's Mock Convention, conducted by Dr. David Barner, professor and chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Art;
" Dan Vogler, a 1981 Westminster graduate and Lawrence County commissioner, discussing his connection to the event;
" Dr. James Rhoads, associate professor of political science and faculty adviser to the Mock Convention, on changes to this year's event;
" Dr. Timothy Cuff, a 1978 Westminster alumnus and assistant professor of history, on legacy and learning with the Mock Convention;
" Scott Renninger, professor and chair of the Department of Physical Education, on how the event has changed since 1980;
" Charles Mansell, a 1968 Westminster graduate and son of Thomas V. Mansell, on his father's legacy.

Contact Bradley Weaver, Westminster instructor of broadcast communications, at (724) 946-7238 or e-mail for additional information about the live broadcast.

Visit for a schedule and additional information about the Mock Convention. 

Schedule and information