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Chamber Singers and Concert Choir to Present Concert

Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Westminster College Chamber Singers and Concert Choir will present "For God Commanded Angels" Sunday, Nov. 18, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The concert is free and open to the public.

Under the direction of Dr. Robin Lind, Westminster associate professor of music, the Chamber Singers are accompanied by Christopher Granger, and Craig Dressler accompanies the Concert Choir.

The Concert Choir's program includes: "Exsultate Deo" ("Rejoice Greatly to God") by Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina; "Salve Regina" ("Hail Queen") by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger; "Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair" by René Clausen and featuring Jenna Diorio on the clarinet; "This Little Light of Mine" arranged by Moses Hogan with soloists David Timm and Rose Hassell; and "'Zekiel" arranged by Allen Koepke featuring tenor soloist William McCullough.

The Chamber Singers include: "Shir La-ma'a lot" (Psalm 121) by Salamone Rossi; "Boruch Atoh" by Solomon Golub and arranged by Joshua Jacobson; "Az ikh vel zogn lekho doydi" arranged by Jacobson and featuring Jason Perry, cantor; and "Tsvey Taybelekh" ("The Two Doves"), an old Yiddish song arranged by Lee R. Kesselman.

Lind, who has been with Westminster since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from the College of Idaho, a master's from the University of Oregon, and Ph.D. from the University of Utah.

Contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or e-mail for additional information. 

Chamber Singers
Concert Choir