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Professor Selected for Neuroscience Society Committee

Posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dr. Alan Gittis, professor and chair of Westminster College's Department of Psychology, attended the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego and began a three-year term on the Public Education and Communication Committee.

"This committee's responsibility is to facilitate public awareness of neuroscience and to promote science literacy nationally and internationally," Gittis said. "Among the committee's activities is oversight of the Society's various publications, geared toward the public, regarding the latest discoveries about the brain and the implications of these discoveries for the treatment of physical and mental diseases associated with brain function."

The committee oversees educational programs, such as Brain Awareness Week, in which K-12 activities are promoted by universities and colleges of all sizes in the U.S. and around the world.

At the conference, Gittis chaired a task force that is developing ways for undergraduates at institutions with small neuroscience programs to attain membership in Nu Rho Psi, the new undergraduate neuroscience honorary society.

Gittis, who has been with Westminster since 1976, earned an undergraduate degree from Temple University, and a master's and Ph.D. from Ohio State University.

Contact Gittis at (724) 946-7358 or e-mail for additional information. 

Dr. Alan Gittis