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Three Students Receive Grants to Present Undergraduate Research in New Orleans

Posted on Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Westminster College Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has awarded grants to three students to continue their undergraduate research and to present their work at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in New Orleans in the spring.

"Enhancing opportunities for undergraduate research is an important component of the work of the Drinko Center in enriching undergraduate education," said Dr. Virginia Tomlinson, Westminster College associate professor of sociology and director of the Drinko Center. "The Undergraduate Research Initiative provides funding for students to conduct research and to present their research at regional and national conferences. So far this year 25 students have been awarded grants to conduct research."

The latest students to receive awards are:

Mallory Bugel, a senior biochemistry major, is a daughter of Gary and Kathleen Bugel of Valencia, and a graduate of Mars Area High School. She will use the grant to present "The Characterization of Gangliosides from Brain Tissue." Her adviser is Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster associate professor of chemistry.

David Davis, a senior biochemistry major, is a son of David and Terri Davis of Canfield, Ohio, and a graduate of South Range High School. He will use the grant to present "Dispersion, Templating, and Molecular Imprinting of Carbon Nanostructures." His adviser is Dr. Martha Joseph, Westminster assistant professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry.

Brett Myers, a senior chemistry major, is a son of John and Kathleen Myers of Tallmadge, Ohio, and a graduate of Tallmadge High School. He will use the grant to present "Four Chemistry Experiments for the Home School Setting." Joseph is his adviser.

All grant recipients are invited to participate in the Undergraduate Research Symposium held on campus in the spring.

Contact Tomlinson at (724) 946-6033 or e-mail or visit for additional information.