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Professor Named Guest Conductor for District Five Honors Band

Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dr. R. Tad Greig, Westminster College director of bands and assistant professor of music, will be guest conductor for the annual District Five Honors Band at Mercer High School.

The 145-member band, representing 48 schools in Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, and Mercer counties, will rehearse with Greig Jan. 9-11. Mercer High School's band director, Travis Weller, will host a banquet for the participants Jan. 11, followed by a 7 p.m. concert in the high school auditorium.

The Westminster College Faculty Woodwind Quintet and Jazz Combo will present sessions for ACT 48 credit for the directors while the students are rehearsing.

"It is always an honor and a pleasure to work with such fine musicians," said Greig. "It allows me to keep in touch with the area musicians as well as their directors. It is also wonderful that we can share the talents of some of our outstanding music faculty with the 48 participating school districts."

Greig, who has been with Westminster since 1995, earned an undergraduate degree from Grove City College, a master's from Youngstown State University, and a Ph.D. from Kent State University. He has been a guest conductor and an adjudicator throughout the eastern United States, and has presented sessions and seminars at Music Education Conferences in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Delaware.

Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for additional information. 

Dr. R. Tad Greig