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Lecturer Chairs Conference Session

Posted on Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Delores Natale, Westminster College lecturer in public relations, chaired the Eudora Welty session at the annual conference of the South Central Modern Language Association held Nov. 1-3 in Memphis.

Natale presented a paper on Welty and racism at the 2005 meeting of the group and was elected secretary of the 2006 Welty session. The secretary automatically becomes chair one year after serving as secretary. As chair, she selected four papers for presentation at the 2007 conference, introduced the speakers, and presided over the election of the secretary for the 2008 session.

Natale attended the keynote presentation by Jack Cooper, director of jazz studies at the University of Memphis.

"A highlight of the conference was meeting members of the University of Memphis' Department of English and the library trustees, who were very helpful in my continuing research of Eudora Welty and other Southern writers," said Natale. "Attending this conference and chairing the Welty session gave me the opportunity to hear other scholars' interpretations of Welty's works and provided new avenues of exploration for my continuing research of this important American writer."

Natale, who has been with Westminster since 2001, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from Westminster.

Contact Natale at (724) 946-7348 or e-mail for additional information. 

Delores Natale