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Westminster College to Host Annual Mission Conference

Posted on Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The 103rd New Wilmington Mission Conference (NWMC) will be held at Westminster College July 19-25.

About 1,000 delegates and staff from across the nation and around the world will come together for a week of Bible study, spiritual enrichment, and Christian fellowship. It is estimated that another 1,000 regional residents will attend some portion of the conference. All meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.

The purpose of the conference is to deepen the missionary spirit in the church. Speakers will urge attendees to follow Jesus Christ more closely and lift up the call to take the good news of Jesus to those who have not heard or received it. Other speakers will share some of the great things God is doing in the world and how the number of Christian believers is multiplying in many places. Attendees will be challenged to devote themselves to this mission calling.

The NWMC is unique in that it is an intergenerational and family conference; yet it is distinctively youth-focused and oriented.

NWMC began as a Presbyterian mission conference for young people in 1906. It has retained its Presbyterian roots and connections while promoting the broader Christian witness in the world.

The theme verse for the conference is Luke 4:18, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me...." Missionaries from over 20 countries will highlight the work of many who are leading the way in sharing the good news of Jesus.

A special feature on Tuesday is "Come and See." Pastors and youth ministers are invited to come and learn about the conference. A free lunch is included for those who register by contacting the conference office at (724) 946-9770. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary professor, Dr. Scott Sunquist, will speak about "The Missional Church: From Good to Great." Dr. Sunquist and his daughter, Caroline Becker, edited the just-released A History of Presbyterian Missions: 1944-2007. Sudanese pastors will speak at an afternoon workshop about the challenges for the church and their work in Darfur.

Two worship services are available Sunday morning at 11 a.m.: The Rev. Joan Gray, immediate past moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), will preach at the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church; and Dr. Sunquist will speak at Anderson Amphitheater.

Missionaries and mission organizations will exhibit their displays Sunday in McKelvey Campus Center from 1:30-4:30 p.m.

All evening programs and speakers will be at 7:45 p.m. in Anderson Amphitheater:

Dr. Rodger Nishioka, professor of Christian education at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Ga., is the featured speaker for the week. Dr. Nishioka, who was the Keynote speaker in 1995 and 2000, is a gifted communicator who is dedicated to youth and mission, two core values of NWMC. He will speak Sunday evening and will lead the 11 a.m. meetings Monday through Friday.

Jim Martin, vice president of International Justice Ministries (IJM) in Washington, D.C., will speak Monday evening. IJM intercedes with rescue and legal aid to those who are enslaved and oppressed around the world.

Tuesday evening will be a global worship with the Rev. Corey Nelson of Lake Forest, Ill. Music and liturgy from five continents will be incorporated in this celebration.

Wednesday evening's speaker will be Dr. Kenneth Bailey, an author, lecturer, and retired missionary from New Wilmington. The service will celebrate the years of service of Presbyterian missionaries.

A Christian musician from Central Asia will return for Thursday evening's Tajikistan: Testimony, Song, and Dance.

Each year NWMC sends out a Summer Service team of young adults to some place in the world for six weeks. This year's team of six college students and their leader served in Malawi, where they shared in ministry opportunities with various partners, including a ground-breaking missions conference. They will share their experiences Friday evening at a consecration service.

Dr. Edith Humphrey, professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the Rev. Bill Crooks, pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Mercer, will teach the adult Bible studies offered daily at 9 a.m. 

The Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell, director of the PCUSA World Mission Unit and career missionary, and the Rev. Jennifer Haddox, associate director of World Mission Initiative at Pittsburgh Seminary, will be the adult mission leaders at 10 a.m. each day.

The college age group will be led in daily Bible and mission study by Charles Harvey, career missionary to neglected and abused children in Thailand.

Recent seminary graduate and youth minister Carl Anderson of Iowa City, Iowa, will lead the high school Bible study. Kyle Joachim, mission worker among the Kurdish immigrants in Germany and now a seminary student, will lead the mission segment.

Daily service projects will be organized by Karen Spadafora, and the Rev. Chip Stapleton, associate pastor for youth and families at Highland Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville, N.C., will lead the high school vespers.

For the complete schedule of speakers and locations or to register, visit or call the NWMC office at (724) 946-9770.

The 103rd New Wilmington Mission Conference 

        DAILY SCHEDULE, JULY 19-25, 2008

HIGH SCHOOL (Witherspoon Room, McKelvey Campus Center) - Carl Anderson, Iowa City, IA
YOUNG ADULT (Beeghly Theater) - Charles Harvey, Thailand
ADULT - Option 1 (New Wilmington Presbyterian Church sanctuary) - Dr. Edith Humphrey, Pittsburgh
ADULT - Option 2 (Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center) - Rev. Bill Crooks, Mercer

HIGH SCHOOL (Witherspoon Room, McKelvey Campus Center) - Mission Staff
YOUNG ADULT (Beeghly Theater) - Charles Harvey
ADULT - Option 1 (New Wilmington Presbyterian Church sanctuary) - Rev. Hunter Farrell, PCUSA
ADULT - Option 2 (Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center) - Unreached People Groups - Rev. Jen Haddox

11 A.M. MORNING MEETING (Anderson Amphitheater) - Rodger Nishioka, Atlanta, GA (Columbia Theological Seminary)

1-4:30 P.M. AFTERNOON - Recreational Programs, Free Time
3:30 P.M. MISSION WORKSHOP (Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center)

HIGH SCHOOL BOYS (Witherspoon Room, McKelvey Campus Center) - Staff
HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS (Anderson Amphitheater) - Staff
YOUNG ADULT (Beeghly Theater) - Staff
ADULT - Option 1 (New Wilmington Presbyterian Church sanctuary) - Mission Staff
ADULT - Option 2 (Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center) - Mission Staff

7:45 P.M. EVENING MEETING (Anderson Amphitheater) - Programs listed below

9 P. M. SOUND & LIGHT (Mueller Theater, McKelvey Campus Center)

                                     11 A.M. Anderson Amphitheater: Dr. Scott Sunquist, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh

                                     11 A.M. New Wilmington Presbyterian Church: Rev. Joan Gray, former Moderator, PCUSA

                                     1:30-4:30 P.M. MISSION DISPLAY - McKelvey Campus Center

                                      7:45 P.M. EVENING MEETING - Anderson Auditorium: Rodger Nishioka, Columbia Seminary, Atlanta, GA

Monday, July 21        7:45 P.M. Anderson Amphitheater - Jim Martin, International Justice Ministries, Washington, DC

Tuesday, July 22       7:45 P.M. Anderson Amphitheater - Global Worship with Rev. Corey Nelson, Lake Forest, IL

Wednesday, July 23 7:45 P.M. Anderson Amphitheater - Dr. Kenneth Bailey, New Testament Scholar, New Wilmington, PA

                                       9 P.M. Field House Lobby - Reception for Missionaries

Thursday, July 24      7:45 P.M. Anderson Amphitheater - Tajikistan: Testimony, Song, and Dance

Friday, July 25            7:45 P.M. Anderson Amphitheater - Consecration Night - Summer Service Team - Malawi

***Visitors for a meeting or for a day are most welcome!***

For more information: or (724) 946-9770

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