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Westminster College Offers $60,000 Legacy Scholarships to Alumni Children and Grandchildren

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Posted on Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Westminster College is offering $60,000 Legacy Scholarships to qualified children and grandchildren of Westminster alumni.

New students entering Westminster in the fall of 2009 can earn $60,000 Legacy Scholarships ($15,000 per year for four years) as long as they are accepted at Westminster, have at least a 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average, and have a parent or grandparent who earned a degree from Westminster.

Legacy students qualifying for a higher merit scholarship would receive the larger merit scholarship, plus an additional $1,000 Alumni Scholarship award. Non-qualifying Legacy students would also receive a $1,000 Alumni Scholarship award in addition to any other merit scholarship they may earn.

"Westminster College is blessed to have great alumni who support Westminster in countless ways," according to Westminster President Dr. Richard Dorman. "We are pleased to offer the $60,000 Legacy Scholarships to thank our loyal alumni and give them an opportunity to share Westminster's special experiences with their children and grandchildren."

The Legacy Scholarship program comes at a time when there is record interest in attending Westminster College. Westminster received a record 3,000 applications last year and the 450 incoming freshmen had an average 3.42 high school grade point average and most ranked in the top 25 percent of their high school class.

Westminster has over 15,000 living alumni and has averaged about 20 Legacy freshmen in each incoming class.

Contact Brad Tokar, dean of admissions and enrollment management, at (724) 946-7100 or e-mail for more information.