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Music Faculty to Present 9-11 Commemoration Concert

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Posted on Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Westminster College music faculty will present a commemorative concert Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. in Orr Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

"Each semester, the music faculty demonstrate their talents as soloists and collaborative artists for the students of our Music Colloquium class," said Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz, Westminster associate professor of music and coordinator of the concert. "Because it is Sept. 11, we invite members of the community to join us for this concert of meditative music, a combination of solo vocal, instrumental, and choral music."

Scheduled to participate are Kathryn D. Miller, College organist; Dr. Daniel Perttu, assistant professor of music; the Westminster Chamber Singers under the direction of Dr. Robin Lind, associate professor of music and director of choral activities; Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, associate professor and chair of the Department of Music; Jim Flowers, adjunct music faculty; William Ambert, adjunct instructor of voice; and Bentz.

Contact Bentz at (724) 946-6045 or e-mail for more information.