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Graduate Presented Paper at National Meeting

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Posted on Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Colby King, a 2007 Westminster College graduate and current sociology graduate student at the University of South Carolina, presented a paper at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Aug. 1-4 in Boston.

King's paper, "Native Americans and Assimilation: An Exploration of Alba and Nees' Theory in a Unique Community," was a revision of his Westminster Honors thesis, advised by Dr. Kristin Park, Westminster associate professor of sociology.

"It is unusual for a student to present a paper at the ASA meetings after completing just one year of graduate school," Park said. "Colby's paper was one of 70 acceptances out of 314 submissions for this category of paper presentations."

Contact Park at (724) 946-7251 or e-mail for more information.