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Political Science Alumni to Share Experiences

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Posted on Monday, September 22, 2008

A panel of Westminster College political science alumni will share their experiences Tuesday, Sept. 23, from 4:30-5:45 p.m. in the Berlin Lounge of the McKelvey Campus Center.

Scheduled to participate are:

Sara Bresnahan Kennedy, a 2001 graduate who is the Western Pennsylvania victory manager for McCain 2008 and district director for state representative Mike Turzai.

Kaylan Lehotsky, a 2006 graduate who is Internet director at The White House.

Russell Mills, a 2005 graduate who is a doctoral student in political science at Kent State University and former research assistant at the University of Vermont's Snelling Center for Government.

Jessica Rummel, a 2005 graduate who is a news assistant at CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer.

Gregory Smith, a 2005 graduate who is Web site and publications manager for the National Small Business Association.

Each will describe their current position and how they achieved it; share advice on pursuing careers with a political science degree; and some thoughts on what students can do now to embark on a political science career path.

Contact Dr. Edward Cohen, associate professor and chair of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, at (724) 946-7304 or e-mail for more information.