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Sierra Student Coalition to Host Speaker

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Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mark Dixon, co-founder of Your Environmental Road Trip (YERT), will speak on his experiences Monday, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Maple Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

YERT was a year-long expedition through all 50 United States, video-taping the landscape of America's unique approach to environmental sustainability. Based on the premise that Americans want to do the right thing but don't want to look strange doing it and don't have the time or the means to explore all the options, Dixon and friends set out to raise awareness and talk with Americans about environmental issues.

The presentation is sponsored by Westminster's Sierra Student Coalition (SSC), whose objective is to work collectively to cultivate positive interaction between Westminster and the natural world.

Contact Dr. Shahroukh Mistry, Westminster associate professor of biology and SSC adviser, at (724) 946-7210 or e-mail for more information.