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Assistant Professor to Speak at Faculty Forum

Posted on Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dr. Suzanne Prestien, Westminster College assistant professor of English and public relations, will speak on "Homer and Hesiod: The Greek Classics in the Modern College Classroom" at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, Oct. 8, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

Prestien was one of 23 professors selected nationally for a summer faculty seminar that examined the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod's Works and Days and Theogony through primary and secondary texts. The seminar, sponsored by the Center for Hellenic Studies and the Council for Independent Colleges, was the third for non-classicists and included professors from a variety of disciplines: history, literature, business, political science, and philosophy.

"An example of the use of the texts in class would be to have a political science class read the relevant sections in Works and Days to discuss the legal system in Athens in Hesiod's time and how that system relates to our legal system today," Prestien said.

Prestien, who has been with Westminster since 1997, earned her undergraduate degree from Kent State University, master's from the University of Toledo, and Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University.

Faculty Forum was established in 1990 by Dr. Barbara Faires, Westminster professor of mathematics, during her term as Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members from all disciplines volunteer to present lectures on their current research, artistic productions, and/or scholarship of teaching and learning. Each forum presents new ideas with innovative lecture techniques.

Contact Prestien at (724) 946-7029 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Suzanne Prestien