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Lecturer Made Presentation at State Conference

Posted on Friday, October 17, 2008

Milagros Swerdlow, Westminster College lecturer in Spanish and Language in Motion (LIM) coordinator, presented a poster at the Pennsylvania Council for International Education annual conference Oct. 2-4 at University Park.

The presentation, "Language in Motion: A Consortium Fostering Global Competencies in Our Students and Our Communities," detailed LIM's mission and accomplishments. The poster was given with co-presenter Dr. Deborah Roney, director of the Language in Motion program at Juniata College, where the program originated.

The conference brought together members of various academic, business, and governmental communities.

Language in Motion is an outreach program that gives upper level language students, study abroad returnees, and international students the opportunity to create language and cultural activities for presentation in K-12 language and social studies classes.

Westminster's LIM program is supported by the Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, which was developed to advance world-class teaching at Westminster and enrich K-12 education through outreach programs for area educators.

Swerdlow, a 1993 Westminster graduate, earned a master's from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has been with Westminster since 1997.

Contact Swerdlow at (724) 946-7264 or e-mail for more information about the conference or the LIM program. Visit for information about the Drinko Center.

Milagros Swerdlow (l) and Dr. Deborah Roney