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Westminster College to Host Student Public Relations Regional Activity

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Posted on Monday, March 16, 2009

Westminster College's Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) will host the 2009 regional activity "Black, White, or Gray: Facing Diversity Issues of Today" Saturday, April 4, from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center.

The conference is open to PRSSA students from area colleges and universities. Registration is $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and due March 30.

Speakers will discuss their experiences and how they face diversity in the workplace:
- Kristan Allen, assistant account executive for Ketchum Public Relations
- Lane Cigna, community affairs senior specialist for the Bank of New York Mellon
- Bob Oltmanns, owner/president of Skutski and Oltmanns Public Relations and former Pittsburgh PRSA president

Dr. Cary Horvath of Youngstown State University will present a workshop on business dining etiquette during lunch.

The executive officers of Westminster's PRSSA chapter are:

President Janie Ingersoll, a senior public relations major, is a daughter of Terri Brokaw of Tallmadge, Ohio, and Richard Ingersoll of Stow, Ohio. She is a graduate of Tallmadge High School.

Vice president Melissa Murphy, a senior public relations major, is a daughter of Kenneth and Mary Ellen Murphy of Cheswick and a graduate of Deer Lakes High School.

Secretary Kathryn Zetzer, a senior public relations major, is a daughter of Shawn and Margaret Zetzer of Gates Mills, Ohio, and a graduate of Mayfield High School.

Treasurer Megan Hoffman, a senior public relations major, is a daughter of Gloria Hoffman of Butler and a graduate of Butler Area High School.

Philanthropy chair Elizabeth Gordish, a junior public relations major, is a daughter of Cathy Grove of Cranberry Township and a graduate of Seneca Valley High School.

Historian Jo Faust, a junior public relations major, is a daughter of Donald and Tammy Faust of Washington and a graduate of Trinity High School.

Public relations chair Stephanie Chaffee, a junior public relations major, is a daughter of Brian and Susan Chaffee of Industry and a graduate of Western Beaver High School.

Scholarship chair Vicki Boggess, a junior public relations major, is a daughter of Vivian Boggess of Ephrata and a graduate of Ephrata High School.

"I'm looking forward to the regional activity," Murphy said. "It's not often that we, as students, have the opportunity to host a conference. I think everyone who attends will leave with a better understanding of diversity and public relations."

The Westminster PRSSA chapter was founded in 1999 by Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English, and Dr. James Perkins, professor of English emeritus. Dr. Suzanne Prestien, assistant professor of English and public relations, is the faculty adviser.  

Contact Prestien at (724) 946-7029 (e-mail or Ingersoll (e-mail for additional information.