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College Chemistry Professor Invited to Speak at Girls' Science Lunch Seminar

Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster College associate professor of chemistry and 1995 Westminster graduate, was an invited speaker at the Girls' Science Lunch seminar March 4 at the Winchester Thurston School in Pittsburgh.

Boylan's interactive presentation, "The Many Faces of Science," involved 21 second- and third-grade girls.

"First, the girls were asked to draw a picture of a scientist," Boylan said. "As expected, they all drew versions of a laboratory scientist, many with lab coats and safety goggles. The goal of my presentation was to have the girls understand that there are lots of careers for scientists beyond a lab bench."

"Volunteers from the audience worked with me to act out some of the career options for scientists, and the audience guessed the profession. We performed skits that included a pharmacist, a teacher, a lawyer, and an environmentalist. The girls were very excited about science and were eager participants."

Boylan, who has been with Westminster since 2001, earned an undergraduate degree from Westminster College and Ph.D. from Duquesne University.

Contact Boylan at (724) 946-6293 or e-mail for additional information.