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SIFE Team Wins Regional Competition

Posted on Thursday, April 2, 2009

Westminster College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) successfully defended its divisional championship at the SIFE Regional Competition March 16 in Charlotte, N.C.

Westminster won its third consecutive division championship and qualified the team to participate in the national competition May 10-12 in Philadelphia. "Teams are randomly assigned to divisions," explained David Smith, Westminster assistant professor of accounting and the group's adviser. "Just our luck, this year's division included two other 2008 divisional champions, so it was exceptionally challenging."

Westminster SIFE students who attended and were involved in the presentation are: president Jacob Hagmaier; vice president Jeff Downey; treasurer Stephen LaRue; and members Nathan Capello, Ashley Carnahan, Amanda Conway, Jordan Flaim, Matthew Saines, Alicia Seitz, and Sydney Serjak.

Additional Westminster SIFE students who were instrumental in the organization's activities but unable to attend are: secretary Kyle Pierce; historian Jonathan Marlowe; publicity co-chairs Chelsea Dean and Brooke Emmonds; and members Corey Baker, Lindsay Drabik, Steven Fawcett, Travis Gulling, Leigha Krivacek, Jacquelin Linville, Zachary Marsh, Stephen Previs, and Blair Varner.

"SIFE teams take what they have learned in the classroom and in other areas of life, and use this knowledge to create and implement educational outreach projects in their community," Smith said. "The goal of the projects is to promote financial, economic, and ethical well-being in the community through the members' knowledge and experiences in areas of market economics, entrepreneurship, business ethics, and the financial skills needed to survive in today's financial world."

The competition format involved team presentations highlighting each team's annual accomplishments. The Westminster group's community service activities included: presentations to Westminster students and neighboring high schools; production of an anti-piracy commercial; organization of a student consulting service for local businesses; completion of a business plan for a growing enterprise; and organization of a stock market competition between teams from local high schools.

Contact Smith at (724) 946-7161 or e-mail for additional information.

Seated: Sydney Serjak, Alicia Seitz, Mr. Smith, Amanda Conway, Ashley Carnahan. Standing: Matt Saines, Jordan Flaim, Jeff Downey, Nate Capello, Jake Hagmaier, Stephen LaRue