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Faculty Forum Features Pilot Program

Posted on Friday, April 3, 2009

Westminster College faculty serving on the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) Early Action Team (NEAT) will present the program at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, April 8, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

Westminster representatives presented a poster on the program at the NITLE Conference March 29-30 in Philadelphia. NEAT members Dr. Daniel Perttu, assistant professor of music, and Dr. Joel Postema, assistant professor of Spanish, with Stanton Fleming, coordinator of user and desktop services, presented "Side by Side: The Westminster Moodle and Sakai Pilot Project," a poster authored by Dr. Sandra Webster, professor of psychology and faculty development officer, on Westminster's pilot testing of the learning management systems. Dr. David Goldberg, associate professor of philosophy, attended as a representative of the Instructional Resources Council.

The eight team members who were involved in pilot testing will demonstrate Moodle and Sakai and the multi-user interactive video (MIV) classroom and report the results. During the presentation, some team members will be participating via the MIV.

NEAT members demonstrating Moodle are: Dr. Michael Aleprete, assistant professor of political science; Dr. Shahroukh Mistry, associate professor of biology; Postema; Dr. Pamela Richardson, assistant professor of mathematics; and Dr. Peter Smith, associate professor of chemistry.

Neat members demonstrating Sakai are: Dr. Rita Madarassy Akin, assistant professor of economics; Dr. Patricia Clark, assistant professor of history; and Perttu.

"The presentation will show what an online quiz looks like, the homework calendar, the grade book, the online discussion forum, the course Web site connection to RSS feeds for resources on the Internet, the submission of online assignments, and the online course resources," Webster said. "I will give a summary of the research I conducted when I interviewed students in the eight classes using Moodle or Sakai this semester."

Contact Webster at (724) 946-7359 or e-mail for additional information. 

Dr. Aleprete, Dr. Smith, Dr. Richardson, Dr. Clark, Dr. Postema, Dr. Webster, Dr. Perttu, Dr. Akin, Dr. Mistry