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Sociology Honor Society Inducts New Members

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Posted on Monday, April 6, 2009

The Westminster College chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) international sociology honor society held its annual induction ceremony and banquet April 1 in the Witherspoon Maple Room and Phillips Lecture Hall.

Dr. Gary Lilly, Westminster associate professor of sociology and AKD adviser, conducted the initiation ceremony for new members Emileigh Drylie, Lindsey Guthrie, Stephanie Lyons, William McCallion, and Nicole Zappa.

Heather MacKenzie serves as AKD president and Brian Leonhard serves as secretary/treasurer.

Dr. Kennon Rice, assistant professor of sociology at Albright College in Reading and a 1996 Westminster graduate, delivered the guest presentation "A Social Science Dark Ages."

Rice lamented the relative lack of attention to sociological findings by policy makers and media outlets, given their preference for politically popular or emotionally comforting solutions or reporting. In contrast, Rice applauded sociology's search for the truth about complex social problems through the use of reason and scientific investigation. He encouraged students and faculty to reflect deeply on their choice of sociology as a field of study.

Contact Lilly at (724) 946-7250 or e-mail for additional information.