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Instrumentalists Earn Top Honors in National Intercollegiate Band

Posted on Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Three Westminster College students selected to participate in the 2009 Small College Intercollegiate Band March 24-28 at the University of Texas in Austin earned high placement at the 100-member ensemble.

Jennie Smith, a senior music and Christian education major, is a daughter of Kendall and Julia Smith of Trophy Club, Texas, and a graduate of Western Hills High School. Smith, an oboist, placed at the top of her section.

Stephen Wheeler, a senior mathematics and music major, is a son of Frank and Terry Wheeler of Crescent Township and a graduate of Moon Area High School. Wheeler, a bassoonist, placed at the top of his section.

Smith and Wheeler were featured soloists in the concert.

Erin Thompson, a junior music education major, is a daughter of Thomas and Linda Thompson of Imperial and a graduate of West Allegheny High School. Thompson, a flutist, placed in the first flute section.

"This honors ensemble was held as part of the Collegiate Band Directors National Association Conference," said Dr. R. Tad Greig, Westminster assistant professor of music and director of bands. "Westminster College had the most representatives of the more than 60 participating colleges and universities from the U.S. and Canada. This marks the fourth time during my tenure that Westminster College instrumentalists were represented in this national ensemble."

Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for additional information.

Stephen Wheeler, Erin Thompson, Jennie Smith