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Psychology Preschool Lab to Celebrate National Week of the Young Child

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Posted on Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Westminster College Psychology Preschool Lab will celebrate Week of the Young Child April 19-25 with a variety of activities to honor young children and those who make a difference in children's lives.

Guest readers at the preschool include: Westminster College President Dr. Richard H. Dorman; New Wilmington Mayor Wendell Wagner, a 1955 Westminster graduate; George Endrizzi, Wilmington Elementary School principal who earned a master's at Westminster in 2005; Kim Ware, Wilmington kindergarten teacher and 1986 Westminster graduate; and Dr. Mary Todora, superintendant of Neshannock Schools, who will read her book Billy B and the Lost Tooth.

Jill Postema, dramatic storyteller, and Westminster students from Cynthia Snodgrass Jones' oral interpretation class are scheduled to make guest appearances.

Additional activities include:
- Mayor Wagner's proclamation of April 19-25 as Week of the Young Child in New Wilmington
- Artwork displays in the Post Office and First National Bank in New Wilmington and in Westminster's McKelvey Campus Center
- Global Youth Service Projects at the Shenango Presbyterian Senior Care Home
- Parents Night for families of Westminster Preschool Lab students, featuring Jungle Terry and his animals

"The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize the importance of early learning for all young children, and to bring the community together to help give all young children a great start," said Dr. Mandy Medvin, Westminster professor and Gibson-Drinko Distinguished Chair of Psychology.

The Westminster College Preschool Lab, established in 1990, is a multi-purpose facility that serves the College and the community.

Designed by early childhood experts, the laboratory school incorporates innovative curriculum, well trained staff, developmentally appropriate equipment, and individual attention. Under the direction of Medvin and teachers Deborah Roud and Diana Reed, the preschool is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs.

Contact Roud or Reed at (724) 946-7174 or Medvin at (724) 946-7360 or visit for additional information.