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Choruses to Present Spring Concert

Posted on Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Ain'-a That Good News!," the spring choral concert of the Westminster College Women's Chorus and Men's Chorus, is scheduled for Sunday, April 19, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The concert is free and open to the public.

The Women's Chamber Ensemble's portion of the program includes: "Danny Boy," an Irish folk song arranged by Dede Duson; and "I Am Not Yours" by David Childs.

Highlights of the Men's Chorus presentation include: "How Can I Keep from Singing?" featuring oboist Jennie Smith; "Haul Away, Joe," an English sea chantey arranged by Alice Parker and Robert Shaw featuring soloists Matt Wilson and Zack Wallover; Michael Hanawalt's arrangement of the Scottish folk song "Loch Lomond" with soloist Shawn Sisler; and Parker and Shaw's arrangement of the English sea chantey "The Drummer and the Cook" with soloist William Armentrout.

The Women's Chorus will include: "Set Me as a Seal" by Richard Nance with Sarah Ortz on French horn; Robert Hugh's arrangement of "Kenya Melodies" with soloist Monica Ruhlman; and "I Wanna Be Ready" arranged by William Powell featuring soloist Katlyn Schroll.

The combined choirs will conclude the program with "Vamuvamba" ("They Crucified Him"), a Boniface Mganga arrangement of a traditional Tiriki melody from Kenya, featuring Susan Davidson, Tim Matyas, Lane McFarland, and Joshua Sarchet on percussion; and William Dawson's "Ain'-a That Good News!"

Student accompanists are McFarland (Men's Chorus), Leaha Parady (Women's Chorus), and Emilie Stuart (Women's Chamber Ensemble).

The Women's Choruses are under the direction of Mr. Kris Harper, Westminster College adjunct music faculty. Harper earned his undergraduate degree from Westminster College and a master's from Youngstown State University.

The Men's Chorus is directed by Dr. Robin Lind, Westminster associate professor of music and director of choral activities. Lind, who has been with Westminster since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from the College of Idaho, a master's from the University of Oregon, and Ph.D. from the University of Utah.

Contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or e-mail for additional information.

Women's Chorus
Men's Chorus