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Faculty and Student Participated in Mathematics Association Meeting

Posted on Thursday, April 9, 2009

Three Westminster College mathematics faculty and a mathematics major participated in the annual meeting of the Allegheny Mountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) April 3-4 at Wheeling Jesuit University.

Westminster assistant professors of mathematics Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz and Dr. Pamela Richardson organized a student problem-solving competition for more than 90 undergraduate students from colleges and universities in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They also attended a Section NExT workshop for new faculty.

Amber Bollard, a senior mathematics major, gave a presentation on complete multipartite planar graphs and her proof, which allows classification of these graphs. The project evolved from a question assigned in class. Fontes-Merz is her faculty adviser.

Bollard is a daughter of Tim and Brenda Bollard of Jamestown and a graduate of Jamestown Area High School.

Also attending was Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor and chair of Westminster's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and a 1978 Westminster graduate.

Contact Cuff at (724) 946-7291 or e-mail for additional information.

Amber Bollard
Dr. Carolyn Cuff
Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz
Dr. Pamela Richardson