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Sierra Student Coalition to Sponsor Earth Day 5K Race

Posted on Monday, April 13, 2009

Westminster College's Sierra Student Coalition (SSC) will sponsor its second annual Earth Day 5K run and walk Saturday, April 18, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Field House.

"This event was a huge success last year and we hope for the same this year," said SSC co-president Leslie Bollibon. "We raised over $600 to benefit the Field Station and its environmental program. But it's not only about the money we raise. It's really a fun event where Westminster students and members of the community come together to share their passion, be it running, enjoying nature, spreading environmental awareness, or just being together."

Sierra Student Coalition officers organized the event:
- Co-president Bollibon, a senior biology major, is a daughter of James and Loretta Bollibon of Export and a graduate of Franklin Regional High School.
- Co-president Ethan Frey, a junior international politics major, is a son of Nancy Frey of Wilkes-Barre and a graduate of Elmer L. Meyers High School.
- Vice president Natasha Kassim, a senior biochemistry major, is a daughter of Laurie Kassim of Canfield, Ohio, and a graduate of Canfield High School.
- Treasurer Kelsey Loccisano, a freshman biology major, is a daughter of Jayson and Yvonne Loccisano of Ellwood City and a graduate of Lincoln High School.
- Secretary Cassandra Treshok, a sophomore psychology-human resources major, is a daughter of Anthony and Karen Treshok of Sarver and a graduate of Freeport Area High School.

The SSC Web page and online registration were designed by senior mathematics major James Bryan, a son of Leigh Bryan-Taylor and James Bryan, both of Greensburg. Bryan is a graduate of Greater Latrobe High School.

The race is open to anyone who wants to participate. Advance registration is $5 for Westminster students ($7 day of the race) and $7 for everyone else ($10 day of the race).

Each participant will receive a recycled T-shirt and tote bag and will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win gift baskets and gift certificates from area businesses. Pizza Joe's will provide pizza and beverages to participants following the race.

A bake sale will be available to participants and non-participants as an additional fundraiser. All proceeds will be designated for improvements to Westminster's Field Station and to support its environmental program for urban youth.

Registration forms are available online at or may be picked up at McGill Library, in the TUB or at the Information Desk of the McKelvey Campus Center.

Dr. Shahroukh Mistry, Westminster associate professor of biology, is SSC adviser.

Contact Bollibon at (412) 580-5743 (e-mail or Frey at for additional information. Visit for event information.