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Education Professor Made Presentations at International Conference

Posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dr. SoYoung Kang, Westminster College assistant professor of education, gave an oral presentation and a poster at the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) conference March 18-21 in Chicago.

The oral presentation, "Using the ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment Instrument to Measure Superior and Inferior Aspects of Kindergarten Education in Korea," was given with Guang-Lea Lee and Soonohk Hong.

"We are in the ACEI Task Force Team for Global Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Care in the 21st Century, representing the Korean part," Kang said. "For this presentation, we shared work and research we did on translation (English to Korean), the process of data collection through survey, data analysis, etc."

Additional information is available at

Kang, Lee, and Hong presented "Learning English in Preschools in Korea" for the Global Sharing Fair poster session.

Kang explained, "This poster showed effective English instruction in preschools in Korea, which use real-life, purposeful, and meaningful second-language experiences."

Kang, who has been with Westminster since 2007, earned an undergraduate degree from Korea University and a master's and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee.

Contact Kang at (724) 946-6034 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. SoYoung Kang