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Music Lecturer to Share Composition Excerpts at Faculty Forum

Posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jason Howard, Westminster visiting lecturer of music, will present excerpts from "Three Pieces for Saxophone and Piano: A Nighttime Trilogy" at Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, April 22, at 11:40 a.m. in Orr Auditorium.

Howard will discuss what is depicted in his compositions Midnight, Nightmares, and Dreams and will present some of the compositional devices he used in writing the trilogy.

Excerpts from the compositions will be played by Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, Westminster associate professor and chair of the Department of Music, on piano and James Flowers, Westminster adjunct music faculty, on alto and soprano saxophone.

The trilogy has not been published, but the third piece was performed by DeSalvo and Flowers at the North American Saxophone Alliance national conference last year.

Howard, who has been with Westminster since 2007, earned undergraduate and master's degrees from Youngstown State University.

Faculty Forum was established in 1990 by Dr. Barbara Faires, Westminster professor of mathematics, during her term as Dean of the College and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty members from all disciplines volunteer to present lectures on their current research, artistic productions, and/or scholarship of teaching and learning. Each forum presents new ideas with innovative lecture techniques.

Contact Howard at (724) 946-7025 or e-mail for additional information.

Jason Howard