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Religion Major Received Grant to Make Presentation at Conference

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Posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009

Zoe Anthony, a Westminster College senior religion major, received a travel/presentation grant from Westminster's Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to make a presentation at the Undergraduate Mid-South Philosophy conference April 16-19 in Memphis, Tenn.

Anthony is a daughter of Nora Anthony of Campbell, Ohio, and William Anthony of Tarpon Springs, Fla. She is a graduate of Campbell Memorial High School.

Her paper, "Get Your Fixation," focuses on the absurd in Albert Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus," a story of Sisyphus' attempts to roll a boulder uphill, only to have it roll back down.

In the abstract for her paper, Anthony explained: "I intend in this paper to inspect the way in which beliefs are the coffin nails of rational inquiry, and why being chased by a boulder is not that bad."

Anthony was recently accepted into the Department of Divinity at the University of Chicago to study for a master's in the history of religions.

The Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was created to enrich undergraduate education at Westminster through advancing world-class teaching as well as by participating in collaborations that address community and regional needs including strengthening K-12 education. The Undergraduate Research Initiative provides funding for students to conduct research and to present their research at regional and national conferences.

Contact Dr. Bryan Rennie, Westminster's Vira I. Heinz professor of religion and Anthony's adviser, at (724) 946-7151 or e-mail for additional information.