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Students Tapped for Mortar Board Membership

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Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009

Thirty-four Westminster College students were recently selected for membership in Mortar Board, an honor society that recognizes seniors with leadership, scholarship, and service skills.

Mortar Board was chartered on Westminster's campus in 1955. Candidates must have a grade point average in the top one-third of the junior class and have demonstrated leadership on- and off-campus to be considered for membership. This year's Mortar Board members raised several hundred dollars, through a variety of activities, to support FirstBook and other community literacy efforts.

New members will be recognized at the Spring Honors Convocation to be held Saturday, April 25, at 11 a.m. in Orr Auditorium.

An induction ceremony was held March 28 in Wallace Memorial Chapel. Dr. Sherri Pataki, Westminster assistant professor of psychology and director of Westminster's peace studies program, spoke on "Making it meaningful: The psychology of authentic happiness." It was an analysis of what social psychologists have found makes people truly happy and a call for social involvement, which is closely linked to levels of happiness.

Current Mortar Board officers are: Danette Nelson, president; David Mills, vice president; Jordan Flaim, secretary; Catherine Bishop, membership chair; Jenna Cunningham, historian; Louis Simeone, treasurer; Ashley Carnahan, service chair; and Cory Mathias, public relations chair.

Officers for 2009-2010 are: Jeremiah Patterson, president; Amanda Myer, vice president; Allyson King, secretary; Stephen Previs, treasurer; Kirstyn Gecina, membership chair; Jill Campbell, public relations chair; April Scudere, historian; and Elizabeth McLaughlin, service chair.

Contact Dr. Timothy Cuff, Westminster College associate professor of history and Mortar Board adviser, at (724) 946-6152 or e-mail for additional information.