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Students, Faculty, and Alumni Attended MidSouth Philosophy Conference; Presented Papers

Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Six Westminster College students and their adviser attended the annual MidSouth Philosophy Conference at the University of Memphis (Tenn.) April 17-18.

Dr. David Goldberg, Westminster College associate professor of philosophy, presented a paper, "Dionysius versus the Crucified."

"The paper examined the significance of the last line in Nietzsche's Ecce Homo, a line that reverberates with autobiography and self-analysis," Goldberg said. "I also commented on another paper at the conference that concerned an aspect of Nietzsche: his comments on the Mithraic mystery cults and their connection to Christianity."

Zoe Anthony, a Westminster senior religion major, presented "Get Your Fixation" at the undergraduate conference. The paper focused on the absurd in Albert Camus' "Myth of Sisyphus," a story of Sisyphus' attempts to roll a boulder uphill, only to have it roll back down.

In the abstract for her paper, Anthony explained: "I intend in this paper to inspect the way in which beliefs are the coffin nails of rational inquiry, and why being chased by a boulder is not that bad."

Also attending and joining the group were Christie Grewe Nelson and Ben Nelson, 2006 Westminster graduates, and Anthony Colwell, a 2008 Westminster graduate.

Contact Goldberg at (724) 946-7153 or e-mail for additional information.

(l-r) Christie Nelson, Ben Nelson, Michael Gorman, Rory Kennedy, Zoe Anthony, Dr. Goldberg, Jessica Saeler, John Allison, Veronica Geretz, Anthony Colwell