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Music Major to Present Senior Recital

Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2009

Westminster College music performance major Kimberly Hasara will present her senior capstone recital Sunday, May 3, at 1 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The concert is free and open to the public.

Hasara is a daughter of James and Karen Hasara of Pittsburgh and a graduate of Avonworth High School.

The program covers a variety of musical styles, including classical, opera, and an arrangement of jazz tunes.

While at Westminster, Hasara participates in Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Opera Westminster, Mu Phi Epsilon music honor society, Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honor society, and is a teacher with the Westminster College Music Intern Teaching Program.

During her freshman year, she placed first in the Concerto and Aria competition, earning her an opportunity to sing with the Westminster College Orchestra. She participated in the junior and senior divisions of the National Association of Teachers of Singing competition at West Virginia University and at Westminster, where she placed first.

Hasara is from the studio of Dr. Anne Hagan Bentz, Westminster associate professor of music.

She will be accompanied for the recital by Jeff Wachter, Westminster adjunct music faculty and arranger. She will be assisted by Westminster students Danette Nelson and James Scanga.

Nelson, a senior international politics major, is a daughter of Kevin and Denise Nelson of Erie and a graduate of Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy.

Scanga, a senior music education major, is a son of James and Kimberly Scanga of Sharpsville and a graduate of Kennedy Catholic High School.

Contact Westminster's Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for additional information.

Kimberly Hasara