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History Professor to Speak to Erie Rotary Club

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dr. Patricia Clark, Westminster College assistant professor of history, will speak to the Erie Rotary Club Wednesday, April 29, at 12:30 p.m.

Clark will talk about her experience as part of a Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange (GSE) to India in 2008. 

The GSE program is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for business people and professionals ages 25 to 40 who are in the early stages of their careers. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries. For four weeks, Clark's team experienced India's culture and institutions, observed how their vocations were practiced, developed personal and professional relationships, and exchanged ideas.

"Our team visited the states of Punjab and Haryana in northern India," Clark said. "We saw a flag-lowering ceremony at the border crossing between India and Pakistan, made presentations on life in western Pennsylvania to over 15 Rotary Clubs, and visited numerous cultural and historic sites. The opportunity to visit schools and colleges and make personal connections with Indian educators was very valuable."

Since her return, Clark has made presentations at Rotary Clubs in Evans City, New Castle, New Wilmington, and Port Allegany, and at district Rotary events in Grove City and Sharon.

Clark, who has been with Westminster since 2004, earned an undergraduate degree from Michigan State University, two masters and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.

Contact Clark at (724) 946-7248 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. Patricia Clark