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Music Majors to Present Senior Recital

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Westminster College mezzo soprano Sarah Filson and bassoonist Stephen Wheeler will present their senior recital Saturday, May 2, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The concert is free and open to the public.

Filson, an elementary education and music major, is a daughter of Gary and Ella Filson of Jamesburg, N.J., and a graduate of Monroe Township High School.

Her portion of the program will include selections from a variety of composers including Handel, Mozart, Fauré, and Schwartz.

While at Westminster, Filson participated in Women's Choir, Women's Chamber Ensemble, and Opera Westminster. She is from the studio of Mr. Kris Harper, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Wheeler, a mathematics and music major, is a son of Frank and Terry Wheeler of Crescent Township and a graduate of Moon Area High School.

Wheeler will perform selections by Mozart, Hindemith, Persichetti, Phillips, and Senaille.

During his time at Westminster, Wheeler was active in the Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Student Woodwind Quintet, and Opera Westminster. He was chosen four times to perform in the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Band and participated in the 2009 National Small College Intercollegiate Band in Austin, Texas. He studies with Donald Byo, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Filson and Wheeler will be accompanied by Westminster adjunct faculty Jeffrey Wachter on piano.

Contact Westminster's Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for additional information.

Sarah Filson
Stephen Wheeler