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Economics Professor Presented Paper at Atlanta Conference

Posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. David Cushman, Westminster College professor and chair of the Department of Economics and Business, presented a paper at the 17th annual symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics April 16-17 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

The paper, "Nonlinear Trends in Real Exchange Rates: A Panel Unit Root Test Approach," was co-authored with Nils Michael of the Health Finance Directorate of the Scottish Government.

"The paper investigates the relative price competitiveness of 22 other economies with the United States over a period of 25 years," Cushman said. "It appears that relative competitiveness does not move unpredictably, as some economists believe, nor does it remain constant except for temporary fluctuations, as others believe. Instead, competitiveness evolves gradually along relatively predictable paths."

Cushman, who holds the Captain William McKee Chair of Economics and Business, has been with Westminster since 2005. He earned an undergraduate degree from Stetson University and master's and Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.

Before coming to Westminster, he taught at the University of New Orleans, the University of North Carolina, Vanderbilt University, the University of South Florida, and the University of Saskatchewan (Canada).

Contact Cushman at (724) 946-7169 or e-mail for additional information.

Dr. David Cushman