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Business Administration Major Wins Edward Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Zachary Gantz, a Westminster College sophomore business administration major, won the 2009 David W. Edward Entrepreneurship Scholarship competition. The award includes a $2,500 academic scholarship.

The competition, conducted by Westminster's Department of Economics and Business and supported by funding from the Edward Trust in Youngstown, Ohio, requires students to prepare and present a business plan depicting the creation of a new or substantially improved business, product, service, or some combination of the three. The competition culminated April 16 in presentations of the top four business plans to a panel of judges.

The winning plan detailed the start-up of a business to train thoroughbred racing horses and provide consulting expertise on the selection, purchase, breeding, and handling of the horses. Gantz outlined a realistic timetable that had the business start small (four horses) and grow to a full complement of 10 horses and a staff of qualified training assistants. Gantz included a complete, realistic, and well-researched analysis of the operational aspects of the profession, along with the revenues, costs, and challenges in a little understood but very competitive market, according to the judges.

Gantz is a son of Edward and Barbara Gantz of Hermitage and a graduate of Hickory High School.

The other competition finalists were:

Kyle Pierce, a junior business administration and economics major who earned third place in the 2008 competition, earned second place with a plan for a creative entertainment venue involving live dueling pianos in Myrtle Beach, a resort location known for its night life but lacking in this specific type of entertainment. Second place honors include a $1,500 academic scholarship. Pierce is a son of John and Sandra Pierce of North Canton, Ohio, and a graduate of Green High School.

Alicia Seitz, a sophomore business administration and accounting major, tied for third place with a plan for a German-style deli in the center of a predominantly German neighborhood in Canfield, Ohio. She earned a $1,000 academic scholarship. Seitz is a daughter of Daniel and Marcia Seitz of Hubbard, Ohio, and a graduate of Hubbard High School.

Steven LaRue, a sophomore business administration and financial economics major, tied for third place with a plan for a bed-and-breakfast business with a restaurant in New Wilmington. LaRue also earned a $1,000 academic scholarship for his efforts. LaRue is a son of William and Linda LaRue of Ligonier and a graduate of Ligonier Valley High School.

Contact Dr. Gail Miller, Westminster professor of business, at (724) 946-7168 (e-mail or David Smith, Westminster assistant professor of accounting, at (724) 946-7161 (e-mail for additional information.

Westminster College President Dr. Richard H. Dorman and Zachary Gantz
Dr. Dorman and Kyle Pierce
Dr. Dorman and Alicia Seitz
Dr. Dorman and Steven LaRue