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Student Newspaper Celebrates 125th Anniversary with First-Place Award

Posted on Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Holcad, Westminster College's student newspaper since 1884, earned a first-place award from the American Scholastic Press Association.

The national competition evaluated newspapers from similar schools in six categories: content coverage; page design; general plan; art, advertising, and illustrations; editing; and creativity. The Holcad earned 905 points of a possible 1,000, with perfect scores for content coverage and editing.

According to Delores Natale, Westminster lecturer in public relations and faculty adviser to The Holcad, there was more emphasis on editing this year. In addition, the paper purchased a new camera. "We were fortunate to have a talented group of photographers who were really excited about the opportunity to take pictures," Natale said.

Lindsey Nuzzo, a senior public relations major from Bradford, was the editor-in-chief.

"Lindsey has done an outstanding job this year, against all odds," Natale said. "She had several challenges to overcome as a new editor, including changes in the printing process and the unexpected departure of the former editor during the spring semester 2008. The staff has shown enthusiasm and professionalism throughout the year and I am very proud of them."

Nuzzo said, "We strove to re-establish a solid foundation at the newspaper for the sake of the staff and readers. I think our overall stability has allowed each staff member to work to his or her potential and produce a quality publication each week."

"I couldn't be more proud of this year's staff," Nuzzo added. "We've had a lot of staff members really step up and take initiative in their positions, and our high ranking in this contest shows how hard we have worked."

The Holcad, which is published every Friday during the academic year, is also available online at

Contact Natale at (724) 946-7348 or e-mail for additional information. 

Lindsey Nuzzo and Delores Natale