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Adjunct Music Faculty Selected for Inaugural PMEA Hall of Fame

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Posted on Monday, May 4, 2009

Ed Groves, Westminster College adjunct music faculty, was one of seven inaugural inductees to the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association's (PMEA) Hall of Fame. The induction was held April 24 during the PMEA annual conference in Valley Forge.

Groves, who teaches Choral Methods and Ethno Music and assists with student teacher observations, was honored for his lasting contributions to the profession of music education in Pennsylvania.

The award letter stated, "We are excited about the inauguration of the PMEA Hall of Fame and pleased that you have been selected for the first class of honorees. Your contributions to the music education profession are well known and appreciated and PMEA is proud to recognize your lifetime of achievement in teaching."

Groves earned an undergraduate degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a master's from Westminster College.

Contact Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, Westminster associate professor and chair of the Department of Music, at (724) 946-7023 or e-mail for additional information.