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Employees Recognized for 803 Years of Service

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Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2009

Westminster College honored 40 employees for 803 years of combined service at a luncheon May 6 in the Witherspoon Rooms of the McKelvey Campus Center.

Employees who are retiring are Dr. Barbara Faires, professor of mathematics, and Nancy Wicks, secretary in the Athletics Department.

Those honored for years of service were:

40 years - Janet Gault, cook with Sodexo Dining Service.

30 years - Iva Kerrick, library assistant in the J.S. Mack Science Library.

25 years - Dr. Carol Bové, professor of French; John Gerber, boilerman in the Physical Plant Department; Patricia Hammer, academic records processor in the Registrar's Office; Colleen Hannon, assistant registrar; George Lysakowski, day lead custodian in the Physical Plant Department; Dr. Jesse Mann, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College; and Wendell Shelenberger, night lead custodian in the Physical Plant Department.

20 years - Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor of mathematics; James Dafler, director of athletics; Kay Galanski, textbook buyer in the College Bookstore; Barbara Garrett, secretary in the Department of Education; Thomas McMahon, administrative systems coordinator in the Information Systems Department; Kenneth Rotar, custodian; and John Turk, custodian.

15 years - Gabriella Budai, executive secretary in the Office of Academic Affairs; Gloria Cagigas, vice president for institutional advancement; Connie Davis, technical assistant in reference in McGill Library; Ernest Fobes, locksmith; Kelly Hartner, enterprise network manager in the Information Systems Department; Joyce Hoellein, lecturer of education; Dr. Bryan Rennie, professor of religion and philosophy; Tom Taylor, director of the Westminster Fund and institutional grants; Jerry Tetrick, custodian; Debbie White, supervisor of the campus mailroom; and Wicks.

10 years - Sandi Chandler, communication specialist in the Communication Services Office; Don Goodlin, telecommunications network engineer; Regene King, assistant director of financial aid; Tina Kunkle, cook with Sodexo Dining Service; Dr. Terri Lenox, associate professor of computer science; Darlene McCoy, secretary in the Department of Psychology/Preschool Lab; Merrianne McGill, assistant director of the Westminster Fund; Lori Micsky, chemical hygiene officer; Dr. Suzanne Prestien, assistant professor of English and public relations; Regina Sharbaugh, senior associate director of admissions; Dr. Timothy Sherwood, associate professor of chemistry and director of the Science in Motion Program; and Linda Travers, secretary in the Department of Modern Languages and the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre and Art.

Contact Kim Christofferson, director of human resources, at (724) 946-7247 or e-mail for more information.