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Chapel Office to Host Community Thanksgiving Service Nov. 22

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Posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Westminster College's Chapel Office will host a community Thanksgiving worship service featuring pastors from area churches Sunday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. All are welcome to attend.

Worship participants from Westminster include the Rev. James Mohr, chaplain, whose message will be "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!...Lord;" Chapel Gospel Choir under the direction of Manny Henderson; and Chapel Praise Team.

Senior psychology major Arienne Cauchie is the liturgist. Cauchie is a daughter of Timothy and Jeanne Cauchie of Pittsburgh and a graduate of Mount Lebanon High School.

Senior music education major Christopher Granger is the organist. Granger is a son of Jon and Janet Granger of Warren and a graduate of Youngsville High School.

Area pastors expected to participate include: the Rev. John Bailey, New Life Baptist Church; the Rev. Rob Cypher, Victory Christian Center; Paul Fink, New Wilmington Alliance Church; the Rev. Ralph Hawkins, New Wilmington Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Rob Kifer, Pulaski United Methodist Church; the Rev. Patricia Nelson, New Wilmington United Methodist Church; the Rev. Ricky Nelson, White Chapel Methodist Church; the Rev. Bill Stone, Neshannock Presbyterian Church; and Cheryl Vanatsky, Maple Grove Mennonite Church. 

Those attending are asked to bring canned goods that will be collected for the evening offering.

A fellowship reception will be held at New Wilmington Presbyterian Church immediately following the service.

Contact Diane Gabriel, Chapel Office executive secretary, at (724) 946-7117 or e-mail for more information.