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Professor's Paper Earned Meritorious Award

Posted on Monday, November 23, 2009

Dr. Terri Lenox, Westminster College associate professor of computer science, co-authored a paper that earned a meritorious paper award at the 28th annual Information Systems Educators Conference Nov. 5-8 in Washington, D.C.

The paper, "Factors Affecting Women's Decisions to Pursue an IS Degree: A Case Study," was from the doctoral dissertation of co-author Connie Serapiglia, director of information technology customer services at Robert Morris University. The paper will be published in the Journal of Information Systems Education.

The paper's abstract explained that declining participation of women in the computer-related professions is a prominent concern in both the academic and business arenas. The overall waning enrollment numbers in computer-related programs demonstrate an increasing gap between male and female enrollment numbers. This study examined the reasons why women choose to study a computer-related discipline and factors influencing their retention.

Lenox, who has been with Westminster since 1999, is co-director of Westminster's Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and is teaching in the Westminster in London program this semester. She earned an undergraduate degree from Grove City College and master's and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

Contact Lenox at for more information.

Dr. Terri Lenox