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Education Majors and Faculty Attended State Council Meeting

Posted on Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dr. Amy Camardese, Westminster College associate professor of education, and Dr. Susan Parker, Westminster assistant professor of education, accompanied 11 elementary education/special education dual certification students to the Pennsylvania State Council for Exceptional Children meeting Nov. 4-5 in Harrisburg.

The students attended sessions and workshops that covered topics ranging from mock interviews and special education's top Internet sources to teaching social skills and functional behavior assessment.

"This was the first educational conference these students attended," Camardese said. "Feedback indicates it was a very rewarding experience."

"It was really exciting to meet with teachers of all ages and learn from their experience," senior Kristin Webler said. "In addition to learning about new strategies and important tips for interviews, I realized that Westminster has done an excellent job preparing me for the education and special education field."

Senior Ashley Faherty said, "I learned more than I anticipated I would. I definitely recommend this conference to all special education majors."

Contact Camardese at (724) 946-7183 or e-mail for more information.

Front (l-r): Ben Edwards, Carly Breletic, Ashley Faherty, Lauren Seiger, Dr. Susan Parker, Dr. Amy Camardese. Back (l-r): Nate Hunter, Addie Parker, Tim Wolf, Amanda Everett, Heather Merry, Kristi Webler, Aimee Spicuzza.