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Music Majors to Present Senior Recital Dec. 6

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Posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Westminster College clarinetist Jessica Braunlich and baritone Montgomery Service will present their senior recital Sunday, Dec. 6, at 1 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The concert is free and open to the public.

Braunlich, a music education major, is a daughter of Michael and Jane Braunlich of Pittsburgh and a graduate of Northgate High School.

Her portion of the program includes "First Concerto in F Minor" by C. M. von Weber and "Five Bagatelles, Op. 23" by Gerald Finzi. She will be accompanied by pianist Marie Libal-Smith, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Braunlich is a member of the Westminster Orchestra, Titan Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Student Woodwind Quintet, Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Women's Choir, and Dance Theatre. She will be a student teacher in the Hubbard (Ohio) Area School District for the spring semester.

Braunlich studies with Louis Colella, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Service, a music education major, is a son of Arnold and Kathleen Service of East Amherst, N.Y., and a graduate of Williamsville High School North.

His vocal selections include Handel's "Revenge Timotheus Cries" and Mozart's "Non Più Andrai." He will be joined by soprano Marie Gott, a 2007 Westminster graduate, for two musical theatre duets. He will be accompanied by pianist Jeff Wachter, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Service is a member of the Westminster Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Men's Choir, Titan Marching Band, and Percussion Ensemble. He is vice president of Westminster's chapter of the American Choral Directors Association and a member of the Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association.

Service is from the studio of William Ambert, Westminster adjunct music faculty.

Contact Westminster's Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for additional information.