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Chemistry Club Earned Award from American Chemical Society

Posted on Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Westminster College Chemistry Club earned an honorable mention from the American Chemical Society (ACS) 2008-2009 Student Chapter Awards.

The award was based on the club's activities as described in its 2008-2009 annual report, which was reviewed by three faculty advisers to the ACS. Categories considered included community service; department/college service; green chemistry; speakers, tours, and field trips; and observances of National Chemistry Week and Earth Day.

The Westminster club's activities included: lunch seminars featuring chemistry speakers; chemistry demonstrations for the Westminster preschool and for National Chemistry Week; green chemistry speakers and creating bird feeders for Earth Day; and tutoring sessions.

Christina Hamill, Westminster senior chemistry major from Harrison City and 2008-2009 Chemistry Club president, will accept the award at the ACS national meeting in San Francisco in March. The group was also recognized in the Nov./Dec. issue of inChemistry.

Faculty advisers to the Westminster club are Dr. Peter Smith, associate professor of chemistry; Dr. Pertti Viskari, visiting assistant professor of chemistry; and Dr. Helen Boylan, associate professor of chemistry.

Contact Westminster's Department of Chemistry at (724) 946-7394 for more information. Visit to read the magazine article.

Christina Hamill